Monday, August 27, 2012

Experience-Free Opinion is Go- But in Stasis.

Received an adequate number of confirmations, and then some, that the Experience-Free Opinion is worth my time and contains readers who would like to hear what I have to say.

I also received in-depth feedback from a number of sources, and the blog will be undergoing some major revisions.

Until then, this blog will be in stasis. Updates should not be expected in the near future, but they will come when a few milestones have been successfully reached:

-A means by which to attract a larger audience.
-Additional writers, in order to keep posts frequent and the blog lively.
-A compilation of evidence, and a means by which to easily connect it with big ideas.

I thank each of you for your time, your appreciation and your thoughts. The heart of this blog is still pumping-- partially because of you and mostly because of faith-- and even as the posts cease, for a time, the resources for improvement are being sought for.

It's hard to say how long the blog will remain inactive, but rest assured it will return (and you *will* be notified when this happens- so don't bother checking here). Better than ever, of course.

Until then,

God be with you. Carry on.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And I will carefully consider your request. Thank you.
