Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What is One's Purpose in Life?

A question old as time will be answered, by me, today:
What is the meaning of life?

Mathematically speaking, one aspect of this question can be answered very easily. If you don't live forever, your life is meaningless. If, in fact, life is as Thomas Hobbes described it: "brutish and short", and, as Bertrand Russell illustrated, you wait to be hit by the inevitable wave of non-existence, whatever you choose to do is irrelevant. Relative to the infinities, your time as a person is nothing and so you are nothing.

It follows that the sensible thing to do- indeed the only thing that truly matters- is maximizing your chances of living forever.

Edit: That's not to say that happiness isn't important. Obviously, it is the thing that each of us strives for on a daily basis. However, ultimately, what you do, and how happy you are has no relevance if your life lasts for a finite period of time.
Think of it like a mathematical equation. Though it isn't easy to do (some might say it's undoable) quantify a "happiness level" into a number. The more happiness you achieve in your lifetime, the higher the number gets. Ultimately, your goal is to make that number as large as possible.
If the amount of time that you have to increase that number is finite- even if you lived for 10,000 years- the number, ultimately, will be finite. You will increase your happiness level for however long you live, and when your consciousness fades into a theoretical non-existence, your time is up.
However, even though you have run out of time, time itself, by definition, has not. Time will press onward for an infinite length, and as any good mathematician knows, a finite number divided by infinity is equal to zero. And so in the "long run", over the grand scheme of material existence, the happiness you have collected will have a worth of zero.
Living forever is the means by which a happiness level can reach an infinite number. Provided this is done, the worth of one's happiness comes into play, and life has meaning. 

 Is there an afterlife? Everyone's got a different opinion and each individual would apply a different chance to its reality.

Regardless, no matter your belief, it makes sense to push for the ability to live forever here, in what you know for certain to exist.

And so, since it can be logically deduced that the ability to live forever here in the existence we know of will most likely come as a result of technology, it is in the best interest of every person to push for technological advancement. Which comes as a result of progression.

So life does have meaning. To create the means of giving it meaning.


Government hinders progression.

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