Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Self and Its Artwork

The soul is the artwork of the self.

The soul is the artwork of God.

The artwork of self is the artwork of God.

The soul is the artwork of God and self.

A soul is made, forged in the fires of creativity and the displacement of weight of knowledge stone, whose quarry runs thick in the waters of matrimony. That is, God's children - these are his souls. We are God's children, He of a Heavenly matrimony.

There's something beautiful about being in the image of God - having our artwork correspond with His - all is plain in the light of Hisself. Whenever there is disarray one need only remember that He is the parent.

How is it that one attains the light of Christ? It is by acknowledging this existence. It is by recognizing oneself as a brain child of a heavenly parenthood. It is by accepting one's responsibility to do as Christ did in regards to that plain and simple truth: that God lives, and loves us, and has a plan for us; and that that plan is the one of happiness.

These are the truths stored most deeply within - they are uncovered in times of hardship but should always remain present, to the wise they are, even in times of plenty. Comforts cannot distract the truly wise from acknowledging their responsibility at all times and in all places. This is what makes one a servant of God, a disciple of Christ-- one who lives by his example.

Nothing is more important than this realization. All must bow to the atoning power of Christ in providing that example we are to follow each time we stray from our destined course, which God has in store for us as His children, and which we need to be to become as our Heavenly parents. They watch over us and protect us, and we must admonish that which is contrary to their purposes; to our own purposes.

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